Securing Lead Sponsorship with Autotrader for Green TV Limited
The Client
Green.TV Limited is a UK-based media company specialising in telling and propelling sustainability stories. Green. TV creates content and channels, both digital and live, to bring audiences closer to sustainability messages, all with the purpose of promoting a more sustainable future.
Clive Bramley helped us turn around a lead sponsorship agreement with Autotrader relating to our major electric vehicle events, in just four weeks. Clive was incredibly supportive, flexible, and listened to me.
Ade Thomas, Founder, Green TV Limited
Specialising in creative comms, ad campaigns, films and events Green TV. Limited has a network of owned, social, smart TV and publisher partner channels including The Press Association, Apple, AOL, Amazon Fire TV and its own fast-growing social media channels.

What the Client says
I had a very happy experience with White & Black. Clive Bramley helped us turn around a lead sponsorship agreement with Autotrader relating to our major electric vehicle events, in just four weeks. Clive was incredibly supportive, flexible, and listened to me when I pushed back with my concerns or queries. Clive turned the work around quickly and did all that he could to make sure it was completed on time ensuring the deal was landed.
Ade Thomas, Founder, Green TV Limited.
World EV Day is one of Green TV’s biggest projects. A day of global e-mobility appreciation and celebration where current and prospective drivers of electric vehicles, local transport authorities and fleet operators, are encouraged to recognize the crucial role they play in driving the shift to sustainable road transport with consumer, business and policy outcomes and a zero-emission future for all. This year, World EV Day™ was mentioned in the UK parliament and celebrated by the White House’s top climate advisor.